Part II of this three part CTA series discusses what entities qualify as a “reporting company” under the CTA to help you determine whether your company is subject to mandatory reporting.  We also examine who qualifies as a “beneficial owner” or “company applicant” under the Act as well as discussing the subsidiary exemption. Is your Company a “reporting company” subject to mandatory reporting? Under the Corporate Transparency Act...

According to the newly enacted Corporate Transparency Act (“CTA” ), more than 2,000,000 new business entities are formed each year in the United States under state laws; however, most states do not require identification of or personal information on the beneficial owners of the entities being formed.  As a result of the lack of details required by the states, some entities intentionally conceal their ownership in...

As we move into February, many people have already forgotten their New Year’s Resolutions.  Here are some business resolutions worth keeping for companies interested in hitting the reset button on shoddy human resources systems, those already focused on compliance and risk avoidance, and all the companies in between with countless variations of workforce operations.  Oftentimes as companies grow, the focus remains on financials and satisfying immediate customer...

In our last blog post we discussed Terms of Service Agreements. In this second part of the two part series on protecting your website from liability, we provide business owners with what they need to know about Privacy Policies. What is a Privacy Policy? A Privacy Policy is a fine-tuned version of the Terms of Service Agreement that sets out how the website owner will collect, use, and...

While certainly the most boring part of a website, a well crafted Terms of Service Agreement and Privacy Policy can be critical in protecting a website owner from liability.  Both the Terms of Service Agreement and Privacy Policy should be tailored to the type of business being operated.  However, the general theme of both the Terms of Service Agreement and Privacy Policy is to set forth...

Many employers benefit from a dedicated human resources professional who guides them through the forest of employee compliance and helps them avoid the pitfalls of non-compliance.  Those employers not large enough to merit a dedicated HR professional often struggle to figure out what they need to do to comply with federal and state laws related to their employees. I-9 compliance is an area where employers sometimes...

Especially in the post-COVID environment, attracting and retaining great employees has become a priority for most employers.  Many owners find themselves struggling with the idea of parting with precious equity in their business in an effort to hold on to their best talent, not realizing that there are other options available.  A phantom equity plan may be one such option. Phantom equity is essentially a type of...

Messy company contracts are common. Trust us when we say that you do not want to be in our competition for the worst contract we have ever seen and had to markup. Just when we think they can’t get any worse, we will find one that takes the cake.  Here are 10 common contracting mistakes made by companies that you can be mindful of in an effort...

Many entrepreneurs have a dream of owning a big company. While big companies are fantastic (especially for the ego in some cases), there are advantages to owning multiple smaller companies instead. If, as an entrepreneur with many great ideas, you are inclined to build a large company by agglomerating multiple diverse ventures, here are five reasons to consider a holding company that owns separate business ventures. Asset...

Series LLCs, being relatively new, have been the subject of discussion, promotion, and criticism.  Here we discuss some of the pros and cons of forming a series LLC. Pros: The pros of forming a series LLC significantly outweigh the cons.  Some of the main reasons people gravitate toward this structure are as follows: Only one entity needs to be formally created in a state with a series LLC statute,...